Program Director for Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Systems Sciences, Full Professor(Tenured) of ZJUI
Prof. Yan Xiao is currently the program director for Energy, Environment, and Infrastructure Sciences and a professor of ZJU-UIUC Institute. Prof Xiao Yan received his PhD degree in Structural Engineering in 1989, from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. He is currently a Qiushi Chair Professor of ZJU. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Dean of College of Civil Engineering at the Hunan University, from 2011 till May 2015, he joined the Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California from since 1994, where he had been a tenured full professor till 2011. His main research interests include design of structures against extreme loads, structural concrete, steel, hybrid or composite systems, structural materials, and experimental equipment development. He has more than 400 technical publications including more than ninety refereed journal papers. Many of these papers are pioneering in the relevant areas and are highly cited by scholars around the world. Besides his dedicated research and teaching activities, his administrative management experience is also various, including the laboratory committee chair in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, USC, previous board member of the CUREe (California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering). Under his management, the structural testing capability of University of Southern California was greatly improved.
Integrated Protection of Engineering Structures, Hybrid and Composite Structure, Modern Bamboo and Timber Structure, Advanced and Green Civil Engineering Materials Research and Development, Manufacture and Applications, Experimental Methods and Analysis