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Prof. Lee Der-Horng

Dean of ZJUI

Lee Der-Horng is an academician of the Singapore Academy of Engineering. He is a Qiushi Chair Professor at Zhejiang University, and the Dean of the Zhejiang University-University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Institute. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. He is also an Executive Committee member of the Singapore Academy of Engineering, as well as the Leader of the Transportation Engineering Group. Before joining Zhejiang University in 2021, he was a tenured professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore, and an elected member of the NUS Senate. In 2002, he was named one of the “Innovators Under 35” by MIT Technology Review and has been listed among “World’s Top 2% Scientists” published by Stanford University. He has also been named as “Most Cited Chinese Researcher” by Elsevier. According to the Google Scholar database, Professor Lee ranks first in the field of maritime transportation, and third in the fields of port logistics, public transportation, and urban travel, and fifth in the field of transportation policy. Professor Lee’s research focuses on smart port and shipping logistics systems, maritime transportation systems, urban mobility systems, urban rail transit systems, transportation planning and policy, etc. He has made prime academic contributions in the fields of large-scale container port logistics operations, intelligent urban rail transit, ultra-flex autonomous mobility system, and high-fidelity traffic simulation. As a foreign academician working full-time in China, Professor Lee was received by President Xi Jinping in Beijing in October 2019.

Research Areas:

Port Logistics, Maritime Transportation, Urban Mobility, Public Transportation, Transportation Policy

Prof. Jian-Ming Jin

Executive Dean of ZJUI

Jian-Ming Jin received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1989. He joined the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1993 and is currently the Y. T. Lo Chair Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Director with the Electromagnetics Laboratory and Center for Computational Electromagnetics. He has authored and coauthored more than 280 papers in refereed journals and 22 book chapters. He has also authored The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics (Wiley, 1st ed. 1993, 2nd ed. 2002, and 3rd ed. 2014), Electromagnetic Analysis and Design in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CRC, 1998), Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Wiley, 1st ed. 2010 and 2nd ed. 2015), and coauthored Computation of Special Functions (Wiley, 1996), Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics (Artech, 2001), and Finite Element Analysis of Antennas and Arrays (Wiley, 2008). His current research interests include computational electromagnetics, multiphysics modeling, scattering and antenna analysis, electromagnetic compatibility, high-frequency circuit modeling and analysis, bioelectromagnetics, and magnetic resonance imaging. He was elected by the ISI as one of the world’s most cited authors in 2002, and is also a Fellow of IEEE, the Optical Society of America (OSA), Electromagnetics Academy, and Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES).

Dr. Jin was the recipient of the 1994 National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award, the 1995 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, the 1999 ACES Valued Service Award, the 2014 ACES Technical Achievement Award, the 2015 IEEE APS Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award, the 2015 and 2020 IEEE Edward E. Altschuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Awards, the 2016 ACES Computational Electromagnetics Award, the 2017 IEEE APS Harrington-Mittra Computational Electromagnetics Award, and the 2020 ECE Distinguished Educator Award from the University of Michigan. In 1999, he was appointed as a Distinguished Visiting Professor with the Air Force Research Laboratory. He was awarded Adjunct, Visiting, Guest, or Chair Professorship by 14 institutions around the world and appointed an IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer in 2015. He was also the recipient of the 1997 and 2000 Xerox Research Awards, and was appointed as the first Henry Magnuski Outstanding Young Scholar in 1998 and later as a Sony Scholar in 2005 at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His name appeared 24 times in the University’s List of Excellent Instructors. His students have received the best paper awards in IEEE 16th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and 25th, 27th, 31st, and 32nd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics. He was an Associate Editor and Guest Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, Radio Science, Electromagnetics, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, and Medical Physics, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Numerical Modeling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields.

Prof. MA Hao

Vice Dean of ZJUI

Prof. Ma, Hao received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1991, 1994 and 1997 respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. Since 1997, he worked as a lecturer, associate professor and professor at Zhejiang University. Currently, Prof. Ma is a professor and is served as Vice Dean of ZJU-UIUC Institute, Zhejiang University.

Dr. Ma is served as Vice President of China Power Supply Society, Vice President and Secretary-general of Power Supply Society of Zhejiang Province, Associate Editor of Journal of Power Electronics (JPE), Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

Dr. Ma was served as Vice Dean of college of electrical engineering, Zhejiang University (2013-2017), AdCom member of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2014-2015), Technical Program Chair of IEEE PEAS 2021, IEEE PEAC 2018, IEEE PEAC 2014 and IEEE ISIE 2012, and was served as Co-chair of Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Track, IEEE IECON 2010, Co-chair of Power Electronics and Energy Conversion, IEEE IECON 2013, Special Session Co-chair of IEEE IECON 2017, Co-chair of Power Systems and Smart Grids, IEEE IECON 2018 and IEEE IECON 2019.

His research interests include Advanced Control in Power Electronics, Wireless Power Transfer, Fault Diagnosis of Power Electronic Circuits and Systems, and Application of Power Electronics.

Prof. WANG Hongwei

Vice Dean of ZJUI


Prof. Hongwei Wang is a tenured professor at ZJUI where he services as the vice dean and the director of the data and information sciences research program. He is the vice president of the Information Technology Branch of the Zhejiang Association of Scholars from Overseas. Prof. Wang serves as the associate editor of the IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing Journal and an editorial board member of Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications. He has been invited to deliver keynote speeches twice in international conferences, and has won four best paper awards. Prior to joining Zhejiang University, he held a permanent academic position at the University of Portsmouth, UK. Prof. Wang got his bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University, China, his master degree from Tsinghua University, China, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, respectively.


Prof. Wang has a broad interest in the application of AI and Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) in the design, analysis, manufacture and maintenance of complex systems. He has been focusing on industrial knowledge graph, knowledge-based reasoning and decision making, fault diagnosis, and multimodal learning in the past few years. He has received continuous research grants from EPSRC, NSFC, Key Project of the S&T Ministry, Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation, etc. His research outcomes have underpinned the development of industrial software systems in different areas, which have led to the winning of several important awards and honors such as the Wuwenjun AI award. He has published over 140 papers in well-established journals and conferences such as IEEE Trans. on Services Computing, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Trans. on SMC: Systems、Energy, Neurocomputing, Energy, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.

Qiang LU

Assistant Dean for academic affairs for undergraduate.

Chushan LI

Assistant Dean for student admission.

Simon HU

Assistant Dean for research development and graduate affairs.

Fangwei SHAO

Assistant Dean for academic affairs for undergraduate.

LI Erping
ZJUI Founding Dean (2016-2020)

Li Er-Ping is a Qiushi Chair Professor in Information Science and Electronics, was Vice Dean of Faculty of Information Technology of Zhejiang University, as Founding Dean for the Joint Institute of Zhejiang University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Dr Li pioneers in electromagnetic simulation and applications in solving complex EMC problems in communication and information systems, many of his research results are successfully transferred to Industry, authored and co-authored over 400 papers published in referred international journals, and filed over 20 patents. He has instrumented the strong collaborations with number of international Institutions. He founded a company specially deliver the technology and modules to communication industy. With his outstanding scientific contribution and international recognition, Dr Li was elected to Fellow of IEEE in 2007, and a Fellow of MIT Electromagnetics Academy, USA , and received number of prestigious international Awards, specially, received the most prestigious international awards Laurence G. Cumming Award and Richard R. Stoddard Award from IEEE EMC Society.
Philip T. Krein
Founding Executive Dean of ZJUI (2016-2020)
Prof. Philip T. Krein, Founding Executive Dean of ZJUI, holds the Grainger Endowed Emeritus Chair in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics and is Professor Emeritus and Director of the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, UIUC. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. He published an undergraduate textbook, Elements of Power Electronics (Oxford University Press, second edition 2015). In 2001, he helped initiate the International Future Energy Challenge, a major student competition involving fuel cell power conversion and energy efficiency. He holds thirty-four U.S. patents with additional patents pending. Dr. Krein is a registered professional engineer in Illinois and in Oregon. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, and in 2003 received the IEEE William E. Newell Award in Power Electronics. In 2015-2016, he is Chair of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community. He was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 2016. His research interests address all aspects of power electronics, machines, drives, electric transportation, and electrical energy, with emphasis on nonlinear control approaches.
LI Hanying
Acting Vice Dean of ZJUI (2020-2021)

He is Qiushi Distinguished Professor in the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University, China. In Dec. 2009, he completed his Ph.D. degree at Cornell University in the field of materials science and engineering (advisor: Prof. Lara A. Estroff). Subsequently, he did his postdoc work on organic electronics at Stanford University with Prof. Zhenan Bao. He got the MRS graduate student silver award for his Ph. D. research on polymer/single-crystal composites. And after the postdoc work, he became a professor in Zhejiang University. In 2013, he won the “PAT 2013 Life-Time Achievement Award (Junior)” in 12th Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT) conference at Berlin. In 2016, he won “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” and became the Qiushi Distinguished Professor. His current research focuses on bio-inspired single-crystal growth and organic-single-crystal-based electronic and optoelectronic devices such as transistors and solar cells.
CHEN Xiangrong
ZJUI Vice Dean(2020-2021)
Xiangrong Chen (ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2760-2573 ) is a One-hundred Talents Researcher/Professor, Vice-dean of ZJU-UIUC Institute Since December 2020, Head of the Institute of Power System Automation since March 2020 and Head of the Advanced High Voltage Power Transmission New Technology of Zhejiang University (ZJU) since Jan. 2017. He worked as a visiting scientist at Professor Yasuhiro Tanaka's laboratory in Tokyo City University from July to August 2017. Before his appointment at ZJU, he completed a four-month post-doctoral research fellow at the Division of High Voltage Engineering of Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, where he had been worked as an Assistant Professor from 2012-2016, and Associate Professor (Docent in Swedish) since 2016. He holds a Dr. Eng. in Electrical  Engineering from the Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China in 2011. 

His research activities concentrate on Advanced dielectric materials+new generation measuring and sensing technology, Advanced power equipment+new generation power grid, High voltage new technology. The goal is to ensure the reliable supply of power in increasing quantities while also meeting the desire for reduced environmental impact for a sustainable development of society. Solutions for components of smart grids (e.g. semiconductors) together with the world-class power electronics research at the College of Electrical Engineering of Zhejiang University are also in focus. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of CIGRE SC B2. He has published more than 60 papers with over 30 papers in IEEE Transactions, Journal of Applied Physics and other well-recognized International Journals. Moreover, he is a co-inventor of 3 patents or patent applications. He is an active reviewer for Matter, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, IEEE Access and other International Journals. He can speak native Chinese, fluent English, basic Swedish, little Japanese, German and Persian.
Prof. CHEN Xiqun (Michael)
Vice Dean of ZJUI (2022-2023)

Dr. Xiqun (Michael) Chen is Tenured Professor of Zhejiang University, Vice Dean of ZJU-UIUC Institute, Director of Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Transportation, and Deputy Director of Zhejiang University & Alibaba Digital Transportation Innovation and Application Center. His research interests include shared mobility on demand, simulation-based optimization, transportation big data analytics, and intelligent transportation systems. He received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, in 2008 and 2013, respectively. During 2011-2012, he visited the California PATH Program, University of California at Berkeley. Between 2012 and 2015, he worked at the University of Maryland, College Park as Faculty Research Assistant, Research Associate, and Research Director of National Transportation Center. Prof. Chen was an awardee of Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology, and received the National Excellent Young Scholars Award of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Distinguished Young Scholars Award of Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation. Prof. Chen has published 1 book, 3 book chapters, over 90 peer-review international journal papers on the publications such as Management Science, Transportation Science, and Transportation Research Part B. He was granted 6 patents as the first inventor, and received the Science and Technology Innovation Youth Award of China Communications and Transportation Association, Science and Technology Award of China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, and Best Paper Awards at six international conferences. Currently, he serves as the Chair of Transportation Management and Control of World Transport Convention, editorial board member of Transportation Research Part C, and young editorial board members of China Journal of Highway and Transport, and Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering.
