Hongwei WANG
Prof. Hongwei Wang is a tenured professor at ZJUI where he services as the vice dean and the director of the data and information sciences research program. He is the vice president of the Information Technology Branch of the Zhejiang Association of Scholars from Overseas. Prof. Wang serves as the associate editor of the IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing Journal and an editorial board member of Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications. He has been invited to deliver keynote speeches twice in international conferences, and has won four best paper awards. Prior to joining Zhejiang University, he held a permanent academic position at the University of Portsmouth, UK. Prof. Wang got his bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University, China, his master degree from Tsinghua University, China, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, respectively.
Prof. Wang has a broad interest in the application of AI and Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) in the design, analysis, manufacture and maintenance of complex systems. He has been focusing on industrial knowledge graph, knowledge-based reasoning and decision making, fault diagnosis, and multimodal learning in the past few years. He has received continuous research grants from EPSRC, NSFC, Key Project of the S&T Ministry, Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation, etc. His research outcomes have underpinned the development of industrial software systems in different areas, which have led to the winning of several important awards and honors such as the Wuwenjun AI award. He has published over 140 papers in well-established journals and conferences such as IEEE Trans. on Services Computing, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Trans. on SMC: Systems、Energy, Neurocomputing, Energy, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
Industrial Knowledge Graph,Digital Twins, Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis