Binbin LI
Assistant Professor
Binbin Li is an assistant professor in the Zhejiang University/University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Institute at the Zhejiang University, International Campus. He obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of California-Berkeley in 2016. Before joining ZJU, he worked as a research associate at the University of Liverpool.
Prof. Li’s research focuses on developing innovative statistical methods to address safety, sustainability and resilience issues of the built civil infrastructure systems including bridges, buildings, and road/rail networks. His specific interests include Bayesian system identification, operational modal analysis, infrastructural network modeling and field test, for structure and infrastructure health management and resilience assessment. The ultimate goal of Prof. Li’s work is to equip the civil infrastructure systems with a smart brain so that they can sense, process and react properly to the external excitations, e.g., earthquakes, windstorms.
Fully funded PhD positions in civil engineering are available. Motivated graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to apply by contacting Prof. Li bbl@zju.edu.cn. Postdoc positions are also open. Please contact Prof. Li for more information.
Structural Dynamics, Risk & Uncertainty, Structural Health Monitoring, Bayesian statistics