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Let’s unveil ZJUI Undergraduate’s Path to Advanced Studies in Computer Science at Stanford!
Date:14/06/2024 Article:Zhang Zhenyu, Yu Mengyue Photo:Zhang Zhenyu




Zhang Zhenyu


-24’ Undergraduate Student in Computer Engineering, ZJUI

- Accepted into the Master’s Program in Computer Science at Stanford University, one of the world’s top programs

- Achieved A+ in 30 courses

- Received The Dean’s List for Academic Excellence for three consecutive years

Join us in hearing the inspiring journey of Zhang Zhenyu, an undergraduate student from ZJUI!




01 Laying a Strong Knowledge Foundation with Diligence: Embracing Challenges and Growing Towards the Hope


From the moment he entered university, Zhang Zhenyu had a clear plan for his undergraduate studies. He states, “I understand that undergraduate years are one of the few periods in life where you can fully immerse yourself in learning professional knowledge, so from my first year, I fully pay attention to master different kinds of professional knowledge, constantly improving myself.” Throughout his four years at ZJUI, Zhang Zhenyu always prioritized his studies, systematically learning and understanding the key points in courses, laying a solid foundation for future learning and research.


Hard work pays off, and time rewards those with aspirations. Through efficient and organized time management, Zhang Zhenyu continuously updated and enhanced his professional knowledge and skills. During his exchange at UIUC, he seized every opportunity to engage with UIUC professors, proactively communicating with them to improve his academic perspective and thinking. Additionally, he connected with many outstanding peers in his field, collaborating on group projects. In the highly challenging ECE391 Computer Systems Engineering course at UIUC, known as one of the toughest undergraduate computer courses, he led his team to the first place in the operating system competition with innovative thinking and teamwork. He expressed special gratitude to Prof. Steven Lumetta, whose guidance and courses equipped him with solid programming skills and the ability to handle complex engineering projects.



▲ Zhang Zhenyu Participated in the UIUC ECE391 Computer Systems Engineering Competition


Through rigorous learning attitude, exceptional learning ability, and efficient study methods, Zhang Zhenyu achieved outstanding academic results during his undergraduate years. However, grades are merely badges of diligent effort, and the professional knowledge gained is the perpetual driving force behind his continuous progress. For him, the journey of learning has no endpoint, only starting points to surpass. Today, he has reaped the rewards of his hard work, securing a place in the prestigious master’s program of Computer Science at Stanford University.



02 Nurturing Research with Effort: Strive Forward with Determination till Perfection


Zhang Zhenyu not only has a solid academic foundation but also possesses keen insight and innovative thinking. In his sophomore year, he participated in a project on fine-tuning object detectors using reinforcement learning. This was his first exposure to computer vision and machine learning, leaving a lasting impression on his future research path. During his exchange at UIUC, he joined Prof. Jiawei Han’s Text Mining Seminar as a student researcher, delving into NLP (Natural Language Processing) and text mining. Through face-to-face interactions with Prof. Jiawei Han, he learned the latest research directions and leading models in NLP, significantly enhancing his research approach and laying the groundwork for his future multimodal research endeavors.


In his junior year, Zhang Zhenyu proactively applied to join Assist Prof. Wang Gao’ang’s multimodal medical imaging research project at ZJUI. Through this project, he not only deepened his understanding of the multimodal domain but also gained valuable experience in large model multi-card and distributed training. Under Assist Prof. Wang Gao’ang’s guidance, Zhang Zhenyu led a team of three members to use a dual-encoder and mixed semantic learning pre-training strategy to diagnose medical images at a low training cost. This training model’s ability to capture details is crucial for medical image analysis. By employing the dual-encoder architecture, the model’s performance was significantly enhanced, achieving the expected results in medical diagnostics. Ultimately, Zhang Zhenyu, as the first author, successfully published the research findings of this project at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing.


The multimodal medical imaging research project Zhang Zhenyu involved in is a collaborative project between ZJUI and the Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, with promising clinical applications. “Being part of this project not only gave me a deeper understanding of my field but also made me realize that every innovation in computer science can contribute to advancements in other fields and truly improve people’s lives,” Zhang Zhenyu shared with us. “Moreover, now, I have a clearer goal for the future. I will continue to delve into my professional knowledge, hoping to apply what I have learned to future research and practice, helping to improve people’s quality of life and benefit humanity.”



▲ Model Structure of the Multimodal Medical Imaging Research Project



▲ Zhang Zhenyu (second from the left) at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing



03 Using Expertise to Enrich Life: Serving Others and Achieving Self-Fulfillment


Zhang Zhenyu’s excellence is not solely defined by his great academic performance; he also has a passionate heart. He enjoys sharing, summarizing, and being a proactive disseminator of knowledge. During his time at ZJUI, Zhang Zhenyu voluntarily took on the role of a teaching assistant for four courses. While serving as a TA for the ECE438 Communication Networks course, he independently created a complete online automatic grading system for computer network assignments. This system has been successfully installed on the Campus’s servers and will continue to be used for grading this course.




▲ Homepage of the Automated Grading System Designed by Zhang Zhenyu for ECE438


In addition, he actively engaged with his fellow students, organizing study groups and small seminars to help them solve their queries. Through these interactions, Zhang Zhenyu appreciated the diverse ways people think. He meticulously identified common issues in the students’ thoughts and created slides and handouts to make the course content more accessible. These materials have become widely circulated among junior students, serving as crucial study and review resources. “I hope that through my continuous sharing, more students can benefit, helping them understand and integrate the knowledge,” Zhang Zhenyu stated. In the ECE220 Computer Systems & Programming course, he leveraged his accumulated experience to independently develop courseware and handouts, organizing a 1.5-hour public lecture. He provided optimization techniques for common shortest path algorithms, assisting students with weaker backgrounds in data structures and algorithms to strengthen their foundational knowledge.




▲ Lecture Materials Created by Zhang Zhenyu for the ECE220 Course



04 Soaring High in Youth: Gratitude for the Past and Growth with Peers


Speaking about his four years at ZJUI, Zhang Zhenyu remarked, “I consider myself fortunate because here I’ve been able to fully integrate my interests with my academic studies. ZJUI’s English teaching environment, internationalized academic atmosphere, and excellent cross-disciplinary cultivation model have not only helped me master the globally universal academic language but also broadened my international perspective.” He also expressed heartfelt gratitude towards Assist Prof. Wang Gao’ang at ZJUI, emphasizing, “I am particularly thankful to Assist Prof. Wang Gao’ang for his meticulous guidance in my research. His dedication to his profession and rigorous approach to research have been a model for my own learning, from which I have greatly benefited.”


Zhang Zhenyu spoke fondly of his peers, saying, “At ZJUI, I met a group of talented and like-minded friends. We supported and motivated each other, collaborated closely, and shared in each other’s successes. In every team project, we divided tasks clearly, leveraged each other’s strengths, and overcame challenges together. After class, we often discussed academic issues, shared resources, and helped each other with doubts. These invaluable years were filled with challenges, growth, and deep friendships that will last a lifetime.”


“To all my faculty and friends, I couldn’t have become the best version of myself without you. Your wisdom, encouragement, and support are my most treasured assets on this journey,” Zhang Zhenyu sincerely shared.



Suggestions for ZJUIers


1. Cherish Your University Time: Have clear goals and plans for university life in advance. Make the most of your time to study diligently, enrich your knowledge, and develop your skills. Don’t waste any opportunity for learning and self-improvement.


2. Strengthen Your Professional Skills: Having impeccable professional skills is crucial for gaining admission to overseas universities. Utilize the resources provided by your college and university, actively participate in courses, engage deeply with professors and peers, and broaden your academic horizons. Stay curious and open to new technologies and skills.


3. Participate Actively in Research Projects: Engage in research projects, academic competitions, and other activities both inside and outside the campus. Learning from and collaborating with peers allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, thereby enhancing your research capabilities and problem-solving skills.


4. Prepare Your Application Essays Thoroughly: No one knows you better than yourself. It’s important to write your application essays personally, highlighting your academic abilities, research interests, and plans. Demonstrate how you align with the universities you are applying to.



