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ZJUI CEE undergraduate teams won the Outstanding Undergraduate Presentation Award
Date:16/09/2020 Article:James Qi Photo:Provided by the students

Recently, the 2020 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research (ACEM20)/The 2020 Structures Congress (Structures20) has been held at Seoul National University, South Korea. Three papers written by junior students of Civil Engineering major of ZJUI were collected by the conference. They came from three SRTP project teams under the guidance of ZJUI Prof. Xiao Yan. They were "Low Rise Cross Laminated Bamboo and Timber Building Design", "Design and Construction of a Bamboo structure waste Treatment" and "Utilization of 3D Printing for Concrete Dragon Boat Model" team. The team representatives Siyi Dong, Hongyi Pan and Yiqi Feng gave speeches at the conference online and shared their research results. These three groups of students have been awarded the ACEM20/Structures20 Outstanding Undergraduate Presentation Certificates by their excellent presentation and innovative research results.



 ACEM20 conference


The Congress have been hosted for 11 years, it aims at providing the first step fusion approach to solve the global problems of infrastructure, new materials, and environmental issues. Each conference of the Congress will be independently organized within ACEM20 in cooperation with other neighboring conferences. Thus, the Congress became a premier international forum that bring together academics and practicing engineers to exchange the frontier research results in the allied technologies under the topics of infrastructure, environmental, and materials research.



Presentations on the conference



ZJUI students' excellent English proficiency, astute speech defense skills, and the persistent pursuit of scientific research are constantly displayed and confirmed on the international academic stage.


Certificate of Outstanding Undergraduate Presentation Award


