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Assistant Professor
Dr. Qiang Zhang was a Principal Investigator under the Hundred Talents Program at Hangzhou Innovation Center, Zhejiang University. Before that, he obtained his Ph.D. degree and served as a postdoctoral researcher, both at the Department of Computer Science, University College London in the United Kingdom. He was supervised by Prof. Emine Yilmaz, an internationally renowned expert in the field of information retrieval and natural language processing. Dr. Zhang's research focuses on machine learning, natural language processing, knowledge graphs, and applications to biochemical language (proteins and molecules) modeling. He has published over forty articles in top-tier AI academic journals and conferences including Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AAAI and ACL. He also serves as the associate editor of the Big Data Research journal and PC members of AI conferences such as NeurIPS’19-23, ICML’19-23 and AAAI’18-23. He received a number of research fundings from National Natural Science Foundation of China, New Generation AI Development Plan for 2030 of China, Tencent and Huawei. He was awarded the Great Britain-China Educational Trust in 2020 and Huawei MindSpore Outstanding Mentor Award in 2024.
machine learning, natural language processing, knowledge graphs, and applications to biochemical language (proteins and molecules) modeling
