Ruisheng DIAO
Associate Professor
Prof. Ruisheng Diao obtained his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2004, M.S. degree in Electric Power Systems & Automation from Zhejiang University in 2006 (Advisor: Prof. Zheng Xu, IEEE Fellow), and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University in 2009 (Advisor: Prof. Vijay Vittal, Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow). His research areas include high-fidelity power system modeling, simulation and analysis, application of HPC, optimization and control and artificial intelligence in power systems. He served as a team lead, Advanced Grid Analytics, and a deputy program manager at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energy) from July 2009 to May 2018 (funding level: $2-3M/year). Then, he joined GEIRI North America as Deputy Department Head, AI&System Analytics, and the Principal Investigator of developing AI-related technologies for power systems. He led and participated more than 30 R&D projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, multiple U.S. Power Companies and the State Grid Corporation of China, with a total funding level of approximately $30,000,000. He published around 100 SCI/EI indexed peer-reviewed articles, 1 book chapter, filed 19 patent applications (including 13 U.S. patents, 2 of which were granted by USPTO), and owned multiple software copyrights. Prof. Diao is the recipient of the 2018 R&D 100 Awards (one of the 100 most technologically significant new products of the year in software/services), 3 IEEE PES best paper awards (2017-2019, including 1 IEEE PES conference prize paper award), the MPCE Best Paper Award as well as the U.S. DOE PNNL Outstanding Performance Award (5 times). Prof. Diao is a senior member of IEEE, a registered professional engineer (PE) at Washington State, USA and serves as a R&D project reviewer for the U.S. DOE and power companies. He is on the editorial board for multiple top journals in power systems, including IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Access, IET Generation, Transmission&Distribution, and International Journal of Numerical Modelling. Multiple research prototypes developed by Prof. Diao’s team were commercialized by vendors, which are now widely used by power companies in North America and China.
Power system security and stability; power grid modeling, simulation and analysis; planning, operation and control of new-style power system