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Sincerely aiming at doing research, stepping closer to the United Nations, his actions articulate his passion!
Date:29/05/2024 Article:Yu Kexin, Yu Mengyue Photo:From interviewee



Li Chenghan


-24’ Electrical Engineering undergraduate of ZJUI.


-Postgraduate recommendation to Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School.


-Published five academic papers as the first author during the undergraduate period and one invention patent under review (first inventor).


-Garnered several honors during his study period including first prize in the Zhejiang Province Mathematics Competition for College Students, the Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang University, the Zhejiang University Nandu Innovation Scholarship, and the Silver Award of the 15th “Pugongying” Entrepreneurship Competition of Zhejiang University.


-He is confident and awise, molding his path in research.


-He is calm and graceful, presenting himself on the global stage.



How to maintain the motivation to explore oneself?

How to step onto the international “stage”?

How to nab the offer from Tsinghua University?



Come and delve into the fascinating life of Li Chenghan with us!



01 Be Tenacious in Research


Five papers published as the first author, one invention patent under review as the first inventor, and one first-author SCI Top-Tier Journal Paper under review… these are the bright labels of Li Chenghan’s relentless exploration during his undergraduate studies. The Student Research Training Program (SRTP), which he committed himself to during his first year, was his initiation of his academic voyage. While working on the SRTP project, he dug deep and contemplated the application of models in wind energy, solar power, and load forecasting from multiple dimensions, which both provided him with project inspiration and ignited his interest in the application of artificial intelligence in electrical grids.


The road to do research is not always smooth, but there will surely be a time to transcend himself and achieve success. Li Chenghan worked closely with his teammates, combining neural network architectures, signal decomposition technologies, and optimization algorithms to eliminate random factors in the load using signal decomposition technology and optimization algorithms, and to extract the trend and periodic characteristics of the load using neural networks when he was involved in the electric vehicle load forecasting project. “The attainment of research results does not mean the success of the research. In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results, we need to repeatedly calculate and continually discover and correct errors in the calculation of indicators to finally achieve accurate results,” Li Chenghan shares.


To innovate in research methods and mechanisms within the project , Li Chenghan devoted himself to the research, burying himself in libraries and books, never slackening his efforts. He actively communicated with his instructors and team members about his research progress in experimental operations and data analysis methods, constantly expanding new ideas in the clash of thoughts, and enhancing effectiveness of research. After months of immersive research, Li Chenghan, as the first author, successfully published the research results of this project, ‘Prediction of EV Charging Load Using Two-Stage Time Series Decomposition and DeepBiLSTM Model’ in IEEE Access.




▲ The screenshot of Li Chenghan's paper publication




▲ The model diagram in Prediction of EV Charging Load Using Two-StageTime Series Decomposition and DeepBiLSTM Model



Li Chenghan not only focuses on reserach training but also actively participates in cutting-edge academic conferences in the industry, aiming to broaden his horizons and innovate in his research. At the 7th IEEE Energy Internet and Energy System Integration Conference (EI2 2023) held on December 15, 2023, Li Chenghan, in collaboration with Liao Yipu, another 24’ electrical engineering undergraduate from ZJUI, successfully published a paper titled “A Novel Hybrid Model for Medium-Term Wind Power Forecast Using WDlinear, LightGBM, and Kalman Filtering.” The paper proposed a novel hybrid model using WDlinear, LightGBM, and Kalman Filtering methods to extract mid-frequency features in wind power generation data. By adopting the WDlinear and Kalman filtering technology, the model could better denoise the prediction results, thus improving the accuracy and reliability of the forecast. This experience allowed Li Chenghan to learn more about the cutting-edge developments of artificial intelligence in the field of electrical grids, and it cemented his determination to delve deeper into research in this area.




▲ The model diagram in A Novel Hybrid Model for Medium-Term Wind Power Forecast Using WDlinear, LightGBM, and Kalman Filtering



▲ Li Chenghan participated in the 7th IEEE Energy Internet and Energy System Integration Conference (EI2 2023)


‘Small steps lead to a thousand miles, and trickles form seas.' In Li Chenghan’s mind, success is never achieved overnight, but through cumulative knowledge acquisition, diligent learning, critical thinking, and practical experience.



02 Embracing Diversity


Learning is not a closed-mind endeavor, but rather an exciting encounter with the world and its multicultural charms. In 2023, Li Chenghan undertook a six-month internship at a think tank affiliated with the Office of the High Representative for Landlocked Countries (OHRLLS) of the United Nations (UN) in a combination of online and offline work. During the internship, he worked with UN researchers to study energy and regional development in five Central Asian countries. Based on the analysis of indicators in the World Bank database, he learned about the energy structure, policy measures, economic development and inter-regional cooperation patterns of the five Central Asian countries; through the application of relevant econometric models to analyze the correlation and significance of the indicators, Li Chenghan realized the key role of energy in promoting economic growth, regional stability and the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Li Chenghan learned a lot about the United Nations and international affairs beyond the limitations of his professional knowledge and gained a deeper understanding of the operations and decision-making process of the United Nations through this internship.


Li Chenghan said that this valuable internship experience allowed him to communicate with UN officials from different cultural backgrounds, which not only enhanced his own cross-cultural communication and teamwork skills, but also laid a solid foundation for his future career development. "During the interactions with UN officials, I learned about their experiences and perspectives in promoting global affairs, which gave me a deeper understanding of international affairs. This experience not only broadened my international perspective, but also made me feel the urgency of international cooperation and the importance of cross-cultural communication and inspired my determination to contribute to international affairs." Li Chenghan shared with us.


This internship also made Li Chenghan realize the inseparable relationship between theory and practice, "We should not only extensively study the cutting-edge technical knowledge of our disciplines, but also commit ourselves to applying theoretical knowledge in practice. Learning knowledge, we must be able to apply it to the world and live it, in order to help yourself to make a difference."


In his spare time, Li Chenghan likes to relax in movies, enjoying the art of light and shadow. "The stories of characters in movies always fascinate me, constantly broaden my horizons and thinking, and inspire my study and life; at the same time, movies bring me rich cultural revelations. By watching a variety of different movies, I have gained an in-depth understanding of the characteristics and customs of different countries and cultures, giving me a novel experience across borders and languages." It's also a secret to maintaining a positive mindset and cultivating a sense of humor for him.



03 Dreaming from ZJUI and Sailing Away


Looking back at the four years in ZJUI, Li Chenghan said that it was a process of continuous progress and growth. From the confusion when he first joined ZJUI to gradually adapting to the academic environment of the University, Li Chenghan summarized his own learning magic with "hard work harvest gain". " I take every coursework and project presentation seriously and make full use of the fragmented learning time to master the professional knowledge learned in class." Li Chenghan told us. He tried to study as much as possible in his major and finds the research direction he is interested in so that he can delve into it deeply. "During my undergraduate studies, I realized the importance of clear goals. It is important for us to be exposed to a wide range of research directions in the early stages, so that we can not only grow through trial and error, but also help us define our future research direction." Li Chenghan said.


Li Chenghan is very grateful to his instructor, Assoc Prof. Diao Ruisheng of ZJUI. " Assoc Prof. Diao has a wealth of knowledge about grid modeling and power systems and has provided me with a lot of experience and guidance in the field of smart grid research. Not only that,he also provides one-on-one communication and guidance to every student in the group, carefully reviewing our progress reports and making very detailed suggestions for revision." It is incredibly important to have an excellent instructor in a long study career, who can not only teach you more professional knowledge, but also help you find efficient learning methods and attitudes. In addition to the company of a good instructor, Li Chenghan believes that his achievements and confidence are also inseparable from ZJUI's internationalized education environment, rich research platform resources and excellent opportunities for international exchanges. Li Chenghan experienced the customs and traditions of foreign countries during his exchange studies at UIUC, explored global issues with top researchers at United Nations agencies, and listened to the latest research results at national academic conferences…… standing at a different height, Li Chenghan saw a different landscape, but also found his own heart's desire.


Four years ago, he came to ZJUI with a dream, and set sail from here. Now, he has been successfully admitted to Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, with his research directions in smart grid and renewable energy.



Suggestions for ZJUIers


1. Don't be afraid of failure and actively explore different research directions. During your undergraduate years, you can explore your own interests by learning more about different subject areas. Don't stop trying. Diversified experiences can add color to undergraduate life and enable us to develop holistically.

2. Take the initiative to explore and utilize the first-class resources provided by the institute, ZJUI provides a rich platform for research and a wide range of internships and practice opportunities, we should actively participate in them to expand our knowledge and practice our skills; at the same time, in the process of communicating and cooperating with excellent instructors and classmates, we can strengthen our problem-solving ability and sense of teamwork. problem-solving ability and teamwork consciousness.




