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ZJUI Undergraduate won Silver Medal at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
Date:14/05/2024 Article:Yu Mengyue Photo:From i




Recently, the results of the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva were announced. Chen Jianye, a 24’ undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering at ZJUI, won the silver medal for his project " A Climbing Robot for Building 3d Printed Concrete Wall."



▲ Chen Jianye’s Award-winning Certificate and Medal


The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, one of the world's oldest and largest invention exhibitions, attracts numerous inventors and research teams from around the globe each year. This year's exhibition was held from April 17 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, featuring over 1,000 inventions from more than 40 countries and regions. The Chinese delegation presented 197 projects, winning 70 gold medals and 97 silver medals. (source: Xinghua News Agency)



▲ Chen Jianye introduced the project to the attendees at the Exhibition


Traditional frame printers often require a rigid three-axis motion system for the extruder head. When it was used for concrete additive manufacturing, the cost would be high. For example, large projects often need 2m*1m truss columns to be constructed, costing over 100,000 RMB. Additionally, manual cutting, transporting, and assembling of large modules is inefficient. Chen Jianye's project proposes a mobile additive manufacturing method, enabling unlimited print sizes. The wall-climbing printer uses 3D printed wall layers as tracks for horizontal and vertical movement.



▲ Traditional Frame 3D Printer mentioned in Chen Jianye’s project



This technology addresses the limitations of current concrete 3D printers, allowing for the construction of large buildings in situ. The autonomous mobility of the machine solves transportation and assembly issues. After the CAD model is completed, the machine can directly reach the construction site and perform 3D printing on-site. After printing the wall's height with ground wheels, it uses horizontal and vertical climbing wheels for subsequent printing. The machine is compact and much cheaper than current concrete 3D printers.


"In my junior year, I served as an assistant coach for the National College Students Structure Design Competition. During that time, while discussing research plans with my instructor, we talked about the field of intelligent construction. I realized that this field could combine my interests in structural engineering and mechanical engineering, so I began to delve into this research area deeply." said Jianye. He credits ZJUI's interdisciplinary and innovative education, the careful guidance of professors, and his passion for the project. He expressed gratitude for the support from ZJUI Assistant Prof. Yasutaka Narazaki, who helped enhance his algorithmic thinking. He also thanked Prof. Zou Daoqin Zou, Sun Xiaoyan, and Wang Hailong, from College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University for their detailed guidance and support.


When talking about his award-winning experience, Chen Jianye also generously shared it with junior students, hoping to share his beneficial experience with them. Chen advises students to pursue their interests boldly. He quoted Zhuangzi, "People know the use of usefulness, but they do not know the use of uselessness." Therefore, we should go beyond 'useful' or 'useless' evaluations and seek and persist in our own passions. Everything we do will slowly form a puzzle of life like a piece of debris. He believes that even seemingly "useless" pursuits can contribute significantly to life's bigger picture.


"For fun" is his learning motto, allowing him to achieve interesting things. This laid-back approach, combined with his passion for intelligent construction, helped him succeed on the international stage. He will soon pursue a new journey in Structural Engineering at College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, focusing on intelligent construction.






May he continue his journey with determination and exploration, pioneering his path in life.

