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Orchestrating Resilience:A Socio-Physical System-of-Systems Perspective
Date: 12/06/2024 Addr:ZOOM


Time:2024-6-12 21:00-22:00


ABSTRACT: Recent disasters have left communities and policy makers, once again, with the question as to how tomanage risk, This is particularly important given the, prevalent trend of increased freguency and intensity ohazards due to cimate change. Typical approaches to quantify infrastructure vulnerability to extreme events have primarily focused on analysis of single/isolated structures. Hovwever, interaction among all infrastructure during and after the event, and the impact of the disaster on the society as a whole, calls for new analysis methods where vulnerability and functionality of the built environment aswel as social and economic institutions is assessecusing systems-of-systems approaches. In this presentation, state-of-the-art technigues in quantifying infrastructure damage due to various extreme events, including wildfres, will be highlighted. The use of the results in holis.tic socio-technical frameworks to predict recovery of functionality of interdependent infrastructure such as schools and hospitals will also be covered.Emergina methodsin araph theory and machine learning wil be emphasized as viable tools for damage and recovery quantifcation.The presentation will also touch on otheractivities we are undertaking in my Socio-Physica  and Hazarcated Environment (SoPHlE) research group at Colorado State University

